A dictionary of Possibility Management distinctions.
Possibility Management is thoughtware for next culture - Archiarchy - the adulthood-initiations-centered nonmaterial-value culture rapidly emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Some people have told us that reading the Distinctionary has changed their lives. What it will do for you can only be found out by reading it yourself.
Perhaps the most exciting way to use this Distinctionary is to read through it from start to finish in a weekly Study Group or Possibility Team. Talking over upgraded Thoughtware helps you figure out how to implement it in daily life situations. This is where the fun really starts.
NOTE 1: Words in this Distinctionary that are themselves listed in this Distinctionary start with a capital letter.
NOTE 2: Your knowledge is what you think about. Your Thoughtware is what you use to think with. The Distinctionary is a Doorway to Experiments you can do that will upgrade your Thoughtware so you can Create more Possibility. When you change your Thoughtware, you go through a Liquid State as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid States can bring up transformational Feelings and Emotions. By upgrading your Thoughtware you Build Matrix to hold more Consciousness and exit a life of Reactivity. No one can upgrade your Thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your own Thoughtware. Our theory is that by collectively building 1,000,000 new Matrix Points, we change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose Responsibly to read this website. Responsibility is Consciousness in action. The Reason is not the cause.
NOTE 3: We are adding live links from this Distinctionary.xyz directly into the 550+ interlinked websites of StartOver.xyz, the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building awareness-expanding thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game. Reading this entire website is worth 3 Matrix Points. Doing any of the Experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code DISTNARY.00 to register your Matrix Points for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!
NOTE 4: We added a 'NEW' section after W-X-Y-Z with words that name feelings or sensations you have probably already experienced but never found words for in English. These NEW words come from various languages and cultures around the world, including the language of Archiarchy. If you lower your Numbness Bar whole new worlds (and words) become visible!
1 TRUE THING – Stories are not true. They are Stories. So much of our daily lives consist of Stories. We make Stories up to serve Conscious or Unconscious Purposes. The one True Thing is that everything comes without a Story. Nature is neutral. Things are, and things occur, with no Story attached. Stories take energy to make. If there is a Story attached to something, someone put it there for a Purpose, whether they are aware of that Purpose or not. What is, is meaningless. As someone once said in Possibility Management, "There are only two things in life: bullshit, and nothing." Both bullshit and Nothing are useful. Neither has meaning. Practically applying this Distinction in your life involves applying skills and tools that get ignited during Authentic Adulthood and Archetypal Initiatory Processes. Attaching meaning to something is meaningless. It is even meaningless that it is meaningless. Acknowledging in a practical way that Stories are not true could release you from your Box's Survival Strategy into life at large. This could be High Level Fun! (See: Box, Initiation, High Level Fun, Is-Glue, Radical Relating, Stories)
2 DRAMAS – The 2 Dramas are Low Drama and High Drama. Low Drama is any action that creates the illusion of trying to avoid taking responsibility. High Drama is any action through which you take responsibility. Drama is interaction that includes Emotional energy. You were most probably not trained about Emotional energy by modern culture, so most of your emotional energy is Unconscious. Modern culture thrives by keeping the Emotional energy of its citizens Unconscious. Through introspection you will discover that Emotional energy has cause and Purpose. You may be aware or unaware (Conscious or Unconscious) of the cause and Purpose of the Emotional energy in your interactions. Being Unconscious of the emotional energy of your interactions creates Low Drama. Low Drama allows your Gremlin to be running (eating) your interactions. Intimacy dies when Emotional energy is Unconscious because Gremlin makes it unsafe for intimacy. Relationships do not die from a lack of Love, they die from a lack of Intimacy. Authentic Adulthood Initiations give you the Distinctions necessary to become Responsible for making Conscious use of the Emotional energy of your interactions. Consciously using the energy and information of the Emotional energy of your interactions is called High Drama. In High Drama you can be the Space through which your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage do their work in the world. Possibility Management is designed to help you Consciously Navigate Low Drama and High Drama Spaces and with Clarity and Possibility. (See: Clarity, Distinctions, High Drama, Low Drama, Gremlin, Initiation, Intelligence, Intimacy, Love, Possibility Manager)
2 RAPID LEARNINGS - The 2 Rapid Learnings are Vacuum Learning and Pressure Learning. These are called 'Rapid Learning' because both approaches are Nonlinear. Pressure Learning uses the Go! Beep! Shift! Go! of group intelligence Feedback and Coaching. Vacuum Learning goes three levels down the 'elevator of Spaces' until the actual motivations are revealed through experiencing and expressing Emotions. (See: A Life Of Learning, Coaching, Feedback, Vacuum Learning)
3CELLS.ORG – A 3Cell is the smallest Team of human beings that cannot be subverted by personal neurosis. Forming a 3Cell with two others on the Evolutionary Path may be the start of a new future for you. Your online or offline 3Cell meeting is a sanctuary for Radical Vulnerability, Radical Honesty, Radical Relating, Radical Reliance, and can be a stable home for any of the long-term 3 Phase Healing and Transformation Processes such as Dramaholism, Gremlin Violence, Gremlin Self Cannibalism, Gremlin Reconstruction, Gremlin Transformation, or Adult Egostate Decontaminations. Many of the most amazing Gameworlds on Earth were started with a 3Cell, for example Tamera Biotope in Portugal. (See: Decontaminations, Dramaholic, Gremlin Self Cannibalism, Gremlin Reconstruction, Gremlin Transformation, Path, Pirate Agreement, Radical Honesty, Radical Relating, Radical Reliance)
3 DOMAINS OF LOVE - There are three domains of love: Ordinary, Extraordinary and Archetypal. Human beings are designed to enter the Archetypal Domains of Love during 5 Body Intimacy Journeys. (See: Intimacy Journeyers, Negotiate Intimacy)
3 GAMES – Interpersonal Interactions and Gameworlds can be divided into three classifications:
- 'I win - you lose': competition based on a perceived scarcity of resources. 'I win - you lose' is a survival game where there are very few winners and very many losers, currently the most popular Gremlin game on Earth today.
- 'I win - you win': cooperation, which can easily morph into the game of 'I lose - you lose' through compromise: "I agree to lose this if you agree to lose that." Some people play 'I win - you win' (win-win) like this: "It is okay with me that you win as long as I win just a little bit more." This degrades your game back to an 'I win - you lose' game.
- 'Winning Happening': Winning Happening is an interaction or gamespace that serves the Bright Principle of Winning Happening. The exciting energy of creative collaboration fills the space where it is not about 'I' or 'you' but about optimizing Possibilities.
(See: Bright Principles, Gameworld, Gremlin, Purpose)3 PHASE HEALING - Ordinary healing involves only 2 Phases. In Phase 1 you are 'well'. In Phase 2 you are 'ill'. 2 Phase Healing aims to return you back to Phase 1, your previous 'well' state. In comparison, 3 Phase Healing understands the value of not trying to return to your previously 'healthy' state, but rather sees imbalances in your 5 Bodies as an invitation to Evolution. If you return to your previous 'healthy' state you return to the conditions that brought you the imbalances in the first place. 3 Phase Healing includes such skillsets as Feelings Practitioner, Dark Matter Therapy, Integrity Healing, and the Worthing Healers. (See: Initiations, Path, Transformation)
3 POWERS – Through Authentic Adulthood and Archetypal Healing Processes and Initiatory Processes you can take back Authority for your three innate human powers: Declaring what is so and what is not so, Choosing from options not offered on the menu, and Asking questions, the answers to which exist only in a different Space. (See: Asking, Authority, Choosing, Declaring, Initiation, Navigate Space)
3 WORLDS – While Navigating Spaces as a Possibilitator, you journey through the Upperworld, the Middleworld, and the Underworld. In Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) you were told that the Middleworld is located between the Underworld and the Upperworld, and you may conclude that your job is to make the Middleworld into the Upperworld, in other words, to 'create Heaven on Earth'. This is a common new-age delusion. If you made the Middleworld into the Upperworld, where would the Middleworld be? In Possibility Management trying to heaven on Earth is comparable to catching your own thumb because heaven already exists on Earth any time you Navigate Space to the Center of the Great Labyrinth of Spaces. But if you examine practical details of your life, for example, if you remember a time when you visited your parents' house for Christmas with the idea in mind of entering the Upperworld with them, you will most certainly observe that the first step from the Middleworld towards the Upperworld is into the Underworld. This realization gives you a more accurate Map of Worlds, with the Underworld located between the Middleworld and the Upperworld. Training in Possibility Management is dedicated to skilling you up in Navigating all 3 Worlds, because you cannot, in practical terms, stabilize Upperworld journeys without first owning your Underworld. Whatever part of your Underworld you don't own, owns you. (See: Great Labyrinth of Spaces, Gremlin, Map of Possibility, Navigating Space, Principles, Thoughtware)
3-3-3 PROCESS - 3-3-3 is a loud, three minute, three times per week, three month long, action practice that expands your Emotional Body's capacity to experience and express Feelings and Emotions, beginning with Conscious Anger. 3-3-3 Process is an Initiation from Possibility Management for getting your Center back, your Authority back, your Voice back, your Balls back... and for Stellating (turning on and initializing) your Archetypal Activist. 3-3-3 Process is NOT Catharsis! It is NOT trying to get rid of 'bothersome emotions'. Instead, 3-3-3 Process is Cathexis, which means to Consciously experience and express emotions for use as an Infinite energy and intelligence Resource in your daily life. (See: Cathexis, Initiation, Infinite Resources)
4 BRAINS - Human beings have evolved four different kinds of brains: Green Brain, Red Brain, Blue Brain and Yellow Brain. Each of us has all four brains in our skull, yet due to our selection of a preferred Survival Strategy, one of the 4 Brains tends to become dominant. Each dominant Brain Type offers its own advantages and brings its own handicaps. For a fully functioning Team you need all 4 Brain Types present and included, otherwise your group intelligence is imbalanced. (See: Torus Technology)
4 ARCHETYPAL LINEAGES – (See: Archiarchy, Archetype, 4lineages.org ) In the ongoing research of Possibility Management we have discovered that the Archetypal Lineages can be grouped into roughly four categories.
- GUARDIANS - Guardians are concerned with protecting Gaia and protecting individuals within the Context of a Gameworld such as Rangers at Burning Man festivals, the Kaitiaki in Maori culture, and the stewards in Peter Block's revolutionary book: Stewardship. Guardians are liberated, trained, and connected with their Archetypal Lineage in Expand The Box trainings and Possibility Labs.
- EVOLUTIONARIES - If your Gameworld is not evolving it is dead. Which professions have the responsibility to go the edge of the thoughtware of your culture and do the healing, transformation, magic, alchemy, sorcery, shamanism needed to support evolution in the people and the culture? It is the exact same people who were systematically killed off in the 700 years of Catholic Inquisitions. Fortunately, if you were ever killed as a witch or in an Inquisition, you now have proof that it did not work... because you are back! It is now up to you to re-ignite your skills and knacks that you may have previously hidden away thinking they were dangerous. Skill building for navigating the nothingness can happen at Evolutionaries Labs.
- VILLAGE WEAVERS - Intimacy Navigators, musicians, artists, moms and dads, poets, actors, singers, lovers... if there is no dancing the revolution has failed. Yet still, being intimate can feel like the scariest thing. Revealing yourself as vulnerable and still remaining open for being seen and heard feeds and heals the soul of the village. Who navigates the healing journey? The Village Weavers. Skill building is practiced at Intimacy Journeyer Labs.
- GAMEWORLD BUILDERS - Certain members of the village are responsible for inventing, expanding, managing, and repairing the Gameworlds. Humans interact and creatively collaborate according to the rules of engagement in the Gameworlds we play in. Want to reinvent the future? Want to unleash new potentials? You've heard the saying, "Build it and they will come." The opposite is also true. If you don't build it they can't come. Newly discovered factors make Gameworld building more effective. Practice skills at Gameworld Builders Labs.
4 EMOTIONS – Emotions are distinct from feelings in that the experience of emotions lasts longer than the 3 to 5 minutes than Feelings last. Whereas Feelings are for handling things, Emotions are for healing things. There are four Feelings: anger, sadness, fear, and joy. Emotions can also be mixed or Unmixed. (See: Unmixing Your Emotions) There are four kinds of Emotions (plus Mixed Emotions) that can Contaminate the Adult Egostate.
- CHILD EMOTIONS - Incomplete Feelings from the past show up in your present life as Child Emotions which can be many times re-triggered by present stimuli. The persons, places, or things that trigger these Child Emotions act as a movie screen onto which you project your incomplete Feelings. However, they are not the persons, places, or things that can heal or complete your incomplete Feelings. This is the present, not the past. You have no power in the past. You cannot change what happened to you. But you can change your relationship to what happened to you through an Emotional Healing Process such as those delivered at Possibility Labs or in single sessions by Possibility Coaches or Feelings Practitioners. (See: Feelings Practitioner, Possibility Coaching, Possibility Lab, Process, Trainer)
- PARENT EMOTIONS - You adopt Emotions that are held by others as a camouflage survival technique so you can fit in and be accepted. It works, to survive, but then you carry around Emotions that don't belong to you and come up in your daily life and interfere with your ability to be present. Parent Emotions come from external authority figures such as parents, teachers, politicians, corporate branding, religions, doctors, etc. Such a survival strategy is valid until you are about 18 years old at which time it can be transformed by Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes. Since these Parent Emotions do not originate in you, they are not resolvable by expressing them. Parent Emotions are resolved by giving them back to their proper owners, for example, the parent, church, government or corporation that originated them.
- GREMLIN EMOTIONS - Your Gremlin generates Emotions almost instantly by creating a Low Drama either within yourself or with other Gremlins in a Gremlin Feeding Frenzy. (See: Gremlin, Shadow Principles)
- ENERGETIC VAMPIRE EMOTIONS - Consider the possibility that human beings exist in a food web that includes energetic entities, some of which we feed on and some of which feed on us... if we let them. When you repeat a Trigger Phrase to yourself (such as: "I am not enough for her." Or, "Nobody truly sees me." Or, "If I am not perfect he won't love me.") this can open your defenses to letting an Energetic Vampire Entity suck out your precious life energy. NOTE: To change your relationship to Energetic Vampire Emotions please do the experiments in S.P.A.R.K.135 and study 4emotions. (See: Vampire Entity, Voice Blaster)
Emotions have the same 4 categories as Feelings (Angry, Sad, Scared and Glad), but they come from the past, from others, from your Gremlin or from being used as food by something outside of you. No matter how much you experience or express an Emotion, the only thing that changes is your Gremlin gets fatter and you get older. (See: Adult, Decontaminations, Egostate, Feelings, Gremlin, Low Drama, Mixed Emotions)
4 ENEMIES - The Path has a beginning but no top end. It cannot be completed, only explored. Along the Path, if one is paying Attention and Noticing, one eventually distinguishes the dangers and the opportunities. Possibilitators face 4 Enemies on the Path: Fear, Clarity, Power and Old Age. The Enemies can serve you as an obstacle or as a vehicle. What you do about the Enemies will be up to you. (See: Attention, Noticing, Path, Self Observation)
4 FEELINGS – Possibility Management uses the Map of 5 Bodies, where the Emotional Body is one of the 5 Bodies. The Emotional Body has a heart with Feelings. Modern culture teaches us about Feelings on the Old Thoughtmap of Feelings, where there are three bad/negative Feelings, namely: anger, sadness, and especially fear, and only one good/positive Feeling, which is joy. But if you walk down the street experiencing pure radiant joy people will think you are crazy, childish, high on drugs, not taking life seriously, and obviously do not have enough work to do. On the Old Thoughtmap of Feelings it is actually not okay to feel. When someone asks, "How are you?" and you say, "Fine," what you really mean is, "I feel numb." Possibility Management offers a New Thoughtmap of Feelings in which Feelings are neutral energy information from the Emotional Body that provide energy and information that support you to deliver the Nonmaterial Value of your Archetypal Lineage on a daily basis. Feelings are Distinguished from Emotions in that Emotions are not from you in the present but instead come from External Authorities, from your past, or from your Gremlin. When your Emotions get triggered they feel just like Feelings: anger, sadness, fear, or joy, but they last longer than 3 minutes, sticking around like SuperGlue for hours, days, weeks, or months. On the other hand, Feelings are from you in the Present. When you consciously apply the energy and information of your Feelings they are gone out of your body in less than 3 minutes. Before initiations, however, Emotions are often mixed. Emotions can be unmixed during Expand The Box trainings plus Possibility Labs, or Possibility Coaching sessions, or during Feelings Practitioner sessions to alleviate symptoms such as depression, hysteria, despair, aggression, etc. (See: 5 Bodies, Emotions, Expand The Box, Feelings, Feelings Practitioner, Map of Mixed Emotions, Numbness Bar, Phase 2, Possibility Coaching, Thoughtware, Read: Directing the Power of Conscious Feelings by Clinton Callahan)
5 BODIES – Possibility Management Distinguishes 5 Bodies. Human Beings can Negotiate Intimacies with other human beings in each of their 5 Bodies. Each Body has its own kinds of food, pain, ecstasy, and Liquid States:
- PHYSICAL BODY with organs that have sensations, such as sight, touch, taste, temperature, vibration, moisture, smell, sound, warmth, cold, pressure, etc.
- INTELLECTUAL BODY that has a mind with opinions, ideas, thoughts, attention, stories, interpretations, meaning, questions, conclusions, logic, information, images, etc.
- EMOTIONAL BODY that has a heart with Feelings, Emotions, Mixed Emotions, and the Heart Brain that memorizes poems and song lyrics 'by heart.'
- ENERGETIC BODY with a Being that has Presence, Beliefs, will, intention, vision, commitments, promises, energetic sensations of space, contamination, sanctuary, etc.
- ARCHETYPAL BODY that serves as an archetypal vessel that can jack into the archetypal forces of the universe and can punch through the self-defending 'crusty-stuff' of the Morphogenetic Field of the status quo that shapes human awareness. Especially during a 5 Body Intimacy Journey with at least one other person, your fifth body can journey into the Archetypal domains to find 'radiant dharma jewels' of Clarity and Possibility to bring back as treasure to serve people in ordinary spaces.
(See: Archetype, Clarity, Emotions, Energy, Feelings, Morphogenetic Field, Negotiating 5 Body Intimacies, Possibility)
5 CONTROLS - There are five types of control: copying authority; perfectionism; Gremlin control; Child style control; and Hard Wired Fear. (See: Adulthood, Decontaminations, Gremlin Transformation, Self Observation)
5 BODY INTIMACY JOURNEY – Relationships do not die from a lack of love. Relationships die from a lack of intimacy. Human beings long for intimacies in all 5 Bodies simultaneously during 5 Body Intimacy Journeys. (See: 5 Bodies, Navigating Space, Negotiating 5 Body Intimacy Journeys, Radical Relating)
5 FEARS OF INTIMACY – Fear of physical Intimacy, Fear of intellectual Intimacy, Fear of emotional Intimacy, Fear of energetic Intimacy, Fear of archetypal Intimacy. Fear can be a block, or a Path. It is up to you. (See: Fear Club, Intimacy)
5 OFFERS FOR CONNECTION – Child, Parent, Adult, Gremlin, Archetypal. If you do not distinguish which Offer is being made to you, is it any wonder that your responses are not accurate?
5 PHASES OF CHANGE - Change is a journey. Even sudden change roves through these 5 Phases so carefully outlined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. 5 Phases Complete one change. When you understand Change as a 5 Phase Process, you can navigate Evolution processes in yourself or your organization more effectively. Can you think of anything more valuable? (See: Cause Transformation, Create Possibility, Evolution, Navigate Space, Process)
6 KINDS OF MIND MACHINES – (See: Mind Machines)
6 KINDS OF SPEAKING – (See: 7 Kinds of Speaking)
7 CORE SKILLS – The 7 Core Skills of a Possibility Manager are: 1. Staying Unhookable, 2. Being Centered, 3. Holding Space, 4. Making Contact, 5. Going Stellar, 6. Creating Possibility, and 7. Selling Possibility. Skill Zero (0) is the skill that makes all the other skills possible. Skill Zero is Shifting Identity from being identified with your Body and your Box into being identified with being a Possibility Manager. Without this shift of identity you won't even remember that you have these skills. (See: each skill listed under its own name, Disidentification, Possibility Stone, Shifting Identity)
7 KINDS OF SPEAKING - Possibility Management Distinguishes 7 Kinds of Speaking: Normal Neurotic Speaking, Adult Speaking (sometimes called Active Listening, a crucial tool for Creating Possibility which is one of the 7 Core Skills), Discussion (which may be either Neurotic Discussion or Adult Discussion), Possibility Speaking, Discovery Speaking, Dragon Speaking, and Speaking From The Unknown. (See: 7 Core Skills, Purpose)
8 PRISONS - The 8 Prisons are: 1. Mother's belly, 2. Father's Control, 3. Parents' house, 4. School, 5. Nationalism, 6. Religious Beliefs, 7. Patriarchy, 8. Linear Life Plan. (Seef: Adulthood, Initiations, Path)
9 GAPS – There are 9 kinds of Gaps that a Possibility Manager uses for managing what is Possible:
- Gap In Knowing - Not Knowing
- Gap In Identity - Disidentification
- Gap In Noise - Silence
- Gap In Space - Nothingness
- Gap In Time - Timelessness
- Gap In Resonance Field - Dissonance
- Gap In Gameworlds - No Rules
- Gap In Thoughtware - No Thoughtware
- Gap In Communication - No Communication
(See: Not Knowing, Nothingness, Silence, Disidentification)
10 DOORWAYS – The 10 Doorways are the steps that you take while beginning your adventure as a Possibilitator. These include surprising steps such as Build Your Circle, Make Your Website, Write Articles, Make Legends, and send out a monthly Newsletter, without which, even if you can deliver Possibility Management Thoughtmaps or Navigate a brilliant Possibility Coaching session, who will hear about you? Who will find you? It took decades of trial and error for us to distinguish and refine these 10 Steps. We hope they serve you well. If you find that you have resistance to going through any of these 10 Doorways, it may prove beneficial to make your first step the Gremlin Transformation process. When you wish to make personal changes, your Gremlin may resist because its first job is to defend your Survival Strategy Box no matter how timid and unsuccessful it may be, because if you do not change your Gremlin knows you will at least Survive. Your Transformed Gremlin has other jobs than to keep you in mere Survival, many of which are to supply you with Nonlinear and Unreasonable Possibilities along the Path of learning to deliver your Nonmaterial Value. (See: A Life Of Practice, Box Technology, Evolution, Legend Making, Nonmaterial Value, Possibilitator Training, Reactivity)
13 TOOLS – Possibility Managers train in using 13 Tools to deliver the Thoughtmaps, Processes and services of Possibility Management. Most of the Tools are energetic tools, that is, they are stored on an energetic Toolbelt and used by the Energetic Body through the 3 Powers of Declaring, Choosing, and Asking. There are, in addition, a number of effective energetic tools to use (see the See: section below.)
- Tool 0. Before you can use any of your other Possibilitator Tools you will need to use 'Tool Zero', which is your
Possibility Stone. Your Possibility Stone is both a physical object and an energetic tool. The Possibility Stone is an actual stone in which the energetic substance of the material has been changed by a Possibility Management Trainer into being a gateway to the Bright Principle of Possibility. You will be given a Possibility Stone (if you want one...) at your first Possibility Lab to carry around with you for the rest of your life. It serves you as a constantly bothersome reminding factor, your key to Shifting Identity from being your Box and your Gremlin into being a Possibilitator.
- Your 13 Tools:
- Belt Buckle - to locate where your Physical Center is and where your Energetic Center will be whenever you are Centered. You become Centered when you put your attention on your Energetic Center, and use your intention to move your Energetic Center to your Physical Center. (NOTE: Being Centered cannot be accomplished with a mere click of your Clicker.)
- Sword of Clarity - your razor-sharp, two-edged flaming sword for making Distinctions and Boundaries, and for holding at the throat of demons during Unfair Conversations so that if an entity comes at you they disintegrate themselves. Remember... it has two edges...
- Clicker - A Physical and Energetic Body tool that 'clicks' by snapping your fingers to Declare clean sudden shifts in energetic conditions. The small shock of the 'click' in your Physical Body fingers helps your Energetic Body to assert clear Declarations, for example, for making your Grounding Cord, your energetic Bubble of Space, your golden energetic cube of work Space, Black Holes, etc.
- Voice Blaster - Your Voice Blaster sits in its holster behind your back. If you never used it, that is only because you did not know it was there. It has been there the whole time. You were born with a Voice Blaster that never misses its target and comes loaded with an infinite number of blasts. The instant you hear a praising or blaming voice... Blammo! That's the only conversation you'll ever need to have with one of those energy-sucking vampire praising or blaming voices... Your Voice Blaster is fast. You go 'snake eyes,' pull out your Voice Blaster, aim your Voice Blaster at the pesky voice, pull the trigger on your Voice Blaster, and slide your Voice Blaster back into its holster... before you even touch the Voice Blaster.
- Disk Of Nothing - Your Disk of Nothing is a ten-centimeter diameter gold ring with a Star-Gate-like silver-blue shimmering access to Nothingness. When anyone (or their Gremlin...) throws a hook at you, your Disk of Nothing instantly flashed into your hand. You hold it between you and the hook, and the hook goes into nothing instead of going into you. This helps tremendously with staying Unhookable.
- Bag Of Things - Tied to your Toolbelt is a handy little Bag of Things. Whenever you need something (anything...) you reach into your Bag of Things and pull that thing out. Your Bag of Things opens into a Gap in Space. What is in the Gap? Nothing. What is possible in the Gap? Everything. Your Bag of Things also includes a large supply of concentrated Golden Pearls of your own personal energy and information collected from all time and all space. You can use these Golden Pearls to refill Your Bubble of Space each time you Decontaminate it from other people's energy.
- Wand Of Declaration - One of the most powerful Declarations that a Possibility Manager can make is using the Wand Of Declaration that says, "Something completely different from this is possible right now!"
- Is Glue - It comes in a tube. Some people squeeze Is Glue from the middle. Some people squeeze Is Glue from the end. Use Is Glue for consciously making stories, and Is Glue Dissolver for consciously unmaking stories. Is Glue Dissolver comes in a spray bottle. Be very cautious with this stuff. Just a little "Pfffffffft!" will do the job. Use Is Glue Dissolver to take apart existing stories and use the components for Is Glueing new stories that give you and others more Power.
- Possibility Paint Brush - Your Possibility Paint Brush is perhaps the most powerful Possibility Tool of all. Keep it handy for painting the experience of the possibilities of new Context. Then people can visualize and experience a different image on the inside of their Box. A Distinction is more powerful than a boundary. But new Context is even more powerful than a new Distinction!
- Jakobs Ladder - turn on your Jakobs Ladder and go orthogonal (at right angles to) the assumptions of your current space to enter into a different space. The space determines what is possible. Anyone you are in contact with as you exit the current space goes with you into the next space.
- Purpose Sniffer - Direct your Purpose Sniffer at an action, an inaction, a word, a gesture, a tone of voice, etc. and the Purpose Sniffer will reveal to you intuitively the driving Purpose. Is the Purpose conscious or unconscious? Is the Purpose to serve Bright Principles or Shadow Principles? Is the Purpose to create power struggles and competition, or collaboratively create Winning Happening? Your Purpose Sniffer will help you Navigate Space, put the Poop On The Table, and create Nonlinear Possibility for both individuals and Teams.
- Red Cloth - Smaller insults and Gremlin Hooks can disappear into your Disk Of Nothing most effectively, however, when an entire Gremlin runs at you like a charging bull with horns lowered towards your guts, another energetic tool may serve you more effectively: Your Red Cloth. Slide your Red Cloth out of your Toolbelt and hold it by two corners to your left side. Shake your Red Cloth enticingly and say, "Toro, aqui!" while keeping your attention alertly on the charging creature. As it gallops by you (literally or figuratively...) pull your Red Cloth away, turn to face the attacker again, and repeat the procedure until the creature is exhausted. It makes a great deal of different WHERE you hold your Red Cloth: in front of your chest (to get smashed), or to your side (where the energy slides harmlessly past). You choose.
- Hammer Of Assertion - There are times when the walls of the Box you are trying to speak through are too thick and defended to allow the Being inside of the Box to hear you. If your distinction or communication is too important to simply discard, this may be a circumstance requiring you to apply your Hammer Of Assertion. NOTE: Conscious Asshole Training may be useful to gain the knack of deftly using your Hammer Of Assertion. There is a difference between smashing to cause the Gremlin-pleasing result that something is smashed, and the Possibilitator result of something urgent or unexpectedly useful being clearly heard and understood. The Hammer Of Assertion - like Dragon Speaking - makes use of your Real Voice.
- In addition to the 13 Tools on your PM Toolbelt, you have additional energetic detectors which you can activate and calibrate. These include your Feelings Detector, your Low Drama Detector, and your Bullshit Detector.- Once your Gremlin is Initiated, you hold in your hand one end of your Gremlin Chain - This chain is to stay in connection with your Gremlin. Whenever needed you know exactly where he or she is and you can tell him or her to "Sit!" at your side. From there he or she can help you protect yourself from other Gremlins, and can catch himself, because no other Gremlin is as fast and sly as your own Gremlin at his or her own tricks... eh?(See: 3 Powers, Energetic Body, Gap, Low Drama Detector, Spinning Your Energetic Body, Spring Screen, VaVoom!)18 BOXES – Your psychological defense strategy serves you as a buffer zone between you and the world. It filters out everything you can experience and everything you can express so that you can Survive. This is your Box, and you are inside of it. Your Box is built out of Beliefs, Rules, Assumptions, opinions, Stories, interpretations, meanings, superstitions, Conclusions, and so on, just like everybody else's Box. You have a Box. You are not your Box. Making such an important Distinction useable begins with Noticing which of the 18 Standard Box Designs you have adopted. You can find it listed at the 18 Boxes website. This list can help you take enough Responsibility for your Box-restricted lifestyle and Box-limited Relating that you gain new options to Choose from. (See: Box, Box Technology, Self Observation)
27 EXPERIMENTS - 27 ways to create Extraordinary Love. (See: Love)
50 THOUGHTWARE UPGRADES - 50 Memetic Transformations for Becoming a Bridge to Archiarchy. (See: Archiarchy, Thoughtware, Memetics)
51 CORE INITIATIONS – Not that it matters, but there are over 51 Core Initiations delivered in Expand The Box trainings and Possibility Labs. The idea here is to clearly understand that the Memetic Construct of 'being initiated into adulthood' is not a one time ritual such as Bar-Mitzvah or Bat-Mitzvah, getting your driver's license, being able to smoke, drink, and vote. Activating Responsibility has as many facets as Consciousness itself. What are the limits of what you can become Conscious of? What are the limits of what you can take Responsibility for? What we are claiming is that each facet of Responsibility and Consciousness that you activate begins with an Authentic Adulthood or Archetypal Initiatory Process and includes Liquid States, Transformations, Thoughtware Upgrades, and new Practices. A list of the 51 Core Initiatory Processes from Possibility Management might not make much sense to you because we have had to name them and the names often use new Distinctions. Most of these Distinctions did not come from modern culture sources but instead out of direct empirical Edgework research which emerged from Trainers committed to creating useful outcomes for clients before knowing how. Many of the procedures for the 51 Initiations came through direct insight from our Archetypal Lineages and the Bright Principles of Clarity and Possibility. Yes, 51 is a rather arbitrary number. A few years ago we would have claimed 15 Core Initiatory Processes. Now we can say that we just got the number backwards... For a preview of the list you can watch this 7 minute video. (See: Authentic Adulthood, Distinction, Initiation, Liquid State, Practice)
122 WAYS TO CREATE ORDINARY HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS – In the relationship handbook written by Clinton Callahan titled Radiant Joy Brilliant Love (re-released by Hohm Press in 2020 with the title Building Love That Lasts) you can find an infamous, world-shattering list of 122 Ways To Create Ordinary Human Relationships, suggesting that there are equally 122 things to stop doing on your way to learning to create Extraordinary and Archetypal Intimacies. If these sound like interesting experiments for you to try, you can find them online at the 122ways website. (See: Archetype, Intimacy, Study Group)
ABILITY – Your Abilities are your Resources to make Conscious Actions that produce real and valuable Results. Gaining Abilities involves circling the Learning Spiral, perhaps many times, to build Distinctions into your 5 Bodies. These new Distinctions extend your awareness so that you can detect the signals for Deciding on proper Actions, keeping in mind that Decisions may take place in any of your 5 Bodies, not just in your Mind. (See: Action, Consciousness, Decision, Learning Spiral, Matrix, Resources, Results)
ABUNDANCE - Abundance is a Bright Principle. Abundance is one of the multiple facets of Responsibility and Consciousness. Becoming abundance is taking responsibility for sourcing the resources that are needed and wanted. Becoming abundance is becoming conscious of our power to create the resources that we need and want. Responsibility is applied consciousness. Therefore, being more conscious makes us more responsible and more powerful to source our own resources. Becoming more conscious happens through building the structure in us that holds consciousness: Matrix. Matrix is built out of Distinctions that are activated through Experience. Building Matrix reflexively makes you more capable of sourcing your own resources and thereby become Abundance! The opposite of Scarcity is NOT Abundance. The opposite of Scarcity is Creation. (See: Bright Principles, Creation, Distinction, Experiential Reality, Matrix, Responsibility, Scarcity)
ABUSE – Abuse can occur in any of your 5 Bodies. If you were born and raised in modern culture's capitalist patriarchal empire you have probably been abused, because even the wealthy, the powerful, and the famous people in modern culture are uninitiated adolescents. They too were abused by parents or authorities using extremely old and outdated Thoughtware. They are in pain, Beings stuck inside of Boxes with Gremlins running rampant, undistinguished and uncontrolled. Such a person unconsciously wants to cause you as much pain as they are experiencing. You have probably been, to one degree or another, physically abused, emotionally abused, psychologically abused, energetically abused, and / or sexually abused. When a child falls down and the mother says, "Nothing happened!" and the father says, "It doesn't hurt!", this is abusive. If you were forced to go to School, sit in rows, takes notes, and try to compete against the other students to get the best grades, instead of being encouraged to develop your talents and gifts, this is abusive. How is your healing process going? How are you managing to transform all this abuse into a training program to develop your sensitivities for delivering the services of your Bright Principles and your Archetypal Lineage to the Village? (See: 5 Bodies, Living, School, Thoughtware, Village)
ACTION – In Possibility Management an Action is defined as any gesture from any of your 5 Bodies (physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic, or archetypal) that has energy. Every action has a conscious or unconscious Purpose. This definition for Action is far more refined than your typical understanding of an action that only includes gross level physical movement. In Possibility Management examples of Actions include: unconscious nervous jiggling of the foot, picking at your fingernails, subvocalizations in your own mind, insinuation thought, placing your Attention, moving your Attention, placing your Center, keeping your Center, making a conscious or unconscious wish, internal emotional reaction, Declaring, Choosing, Asking, and so on. In general, the more subtle the Action, the more energy it contains. (See: Results, Purpose, Center, Declaring)
ADAPTIVE – (See: Being Adaptive)
ADULT (ADULTHOOD, INITIATED ADULT, RESPONSIBLE ADULT, OR ADULT EGOSTATE) – Adult is a person taking unconditional Responsibility for being centered in a self-authorized storiless Minimized Now and Minimized Here. The originator of Transactional Analysis, Dr. Eric Berne in his famous Parent Adult Child Egostates Thoughtmap (to which Possibility Management has added three more Egostates, namely, the Gremlin Egostate, the Demon Egostate, and the Archetypal Egostate), recognized that the Adult Egostate is when a woman or man has power because they are being themselves with their own voice and their own Authority in the present. Through Possibility Management research we have discovered that the free-and-natural initiated Adult Egostate also turns out to be the gateway to Archetypal Domains, perhaps the most rewarding facet of life as a human being (with perhaps the exception of tasting Clinton Callahan's Mom's World's Best Brownies from 1950). The Possibility of gaining access to the edgy ecstasies of the Archetypal Domains is why ongoing Adulthood Initiatory processes are at the center of Archiarchy cultures. On another note, we have discovered that it is far more common than we once believed that, as a powerful Survival Strategy, children contaminate to some percentage their Adult Egostate with their Child Egostate, their Parent Egostate, and/or their Gremlin Egostate. This Survival Strategy works brilliantly... however, the cost is extremely high. One cost is that you do not get to be Adult, which means you are blocked from accessing the Archetypal Domains where 5 Body Intimacies and ecstasies begin. You are instead forced to remain in conditions of merely Surviving, where you are limited to experiencing Gremlin intimacies. Discipline and diligence are central to De-Contaminating Your Adult Egostate. Decontaminations are difficult. Nobody can do it for you. It is possible to do it. It is worth doing. Nobody can stop you from doing it. (That last statement is our personal opinion, meant to encourage you to try your best.) (See: Archiarchy, Archetypal Domains, Center, Decontaminating Your Adult Egostate, Demonslayer, Egostate, Initiation, Minimize Now)
ADULT EGOSTATE – The Adult Egostate is the identity of a Free And Natural Adult, in the Present, in a small NOW, a small HERE, and a small 'I'. The term 'adult egostate' was coined by Eric Berne in his 'Parent Adult Child Egostate Thoughtmap' as used in his Transactional Analysis gameworld. Possibility Management has further extended these understandings to note that the Adult Egostate is the gateway to the Archetypal Domains. (See: Adulthood, Archetypal Domains, Disidentification, Egostate, Free And Natural Adult, Shift Identity)
A LIFE OF LEARNING – 'A life of learning' is the Archan philosophical orientation that aliveness often comes through the Liquid States of 3 Phase Healing, Authentic Adulthood Initiations, and Transformational Process that occur during your cycles around the Learning Spiral, so why not put the Learning Spiral at the center of your world and let the rest of your life fall where it may? Then you would be in 'a life of learning'. (See: 3 Phase Healing, Adulthood, Initiations, Learning Spiral, Liquid State)
A LIFE OF PRACTICE – Practice builds the Matrix in your Being that is the basis of catching and holding more Consciousness. Filling your moments with the Possibility of Practice makes you a Possibilitator, and opens Doorways for Authentic Adulthood Healing and Initiation Processes. (See: 3 Phase Healing, Possibilitator, Sword Of Clarity)
ARCHAN - The term 'Archan' has two meanings:
1. 'Archan' is the name of the new language emerging in Archiarchy using upgraded Thoughtware distinctions such as those given in this Possibility Management Distinctionary. Possibility Management is Thoughtware for Archiarchy.
2. An 'Archan' is someone who has shifted their cultural Point Of Origin from from Matriarchy or Patriarchy to the Adulthood-Initiation-centered Nonmaterial-Value culture of Archiarchy that is rapidly emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course. An Archan may be living as a builder of Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, or Phase 4 of Bridges To Archiarchy. Such Archiarchal Bridges start when you Go To The Edge of either modern culture or indigenous culture. Being an Archan Bridge Builder usually starts by becoming a New Refugee, driven away from your birth culture due to either Armageddon or by Evolution of your Thoughtware. (See: Archiarchy, Bridge To Archiarchy, New Refugee, Thoughtware)ARCHAN ECONOMICS - (previousely Archiarchy Economics) The economics of Archiarchy Contexted in Nonmaterial Value, using Clarity, Guardianship, Kaitiakitanga, Invention, Space Cavitation, Space Navigation, Possibilitator Specialty Services, Creating Possibility, Setting Context, Evolution, Initiations, and so on as the 'coin of the realm'. The currency of Archiarchy Economics is the Gaia. (See: Gaias, Initiation Nonmaterial Value, Possibilitator, Set Context)
ARCHAN PERMACULTURE - The kind of Permaculture done in Archiarchy.
ARCHAN RELATING - Archan Relating starts with Radical Relating, which in turn starts with Hitting Bottom. But Archan Relating includes many additional Distinctions and Practices, including: First Position, Radical Responsibility, Intimacy Journeyer Skills, Presence, Minimized NOW, Completion Loops, various forms of conscious Listening and Speaking, using the 13 Tools (for example, the Sword Of Clarity and the Bullshit Detector), Winning Happening, Cavitating and Navigating Nonlinear and Unreasonable Spaces full of delight, entering the Archetypal Domains during 5 Body Intimacy Journeys, etc. (See:
ARCHAN SHAMANISM - (The kind of Shamanism done in Archiarchy.
ARCHIAMORY – Archiamory originates in Archiarchy. It is the Radical Relating that is possible after Journeying along your Evolutionary Path, escaping the 8 Prisons and removing your Point Of Origin from the Patriarchy and locating it in the Free And Natural Adulthood in Archiarchy. (See: 8 Prisons, Archiarchy, Free And Natural Adult, Point of Origin)
ARCHIARCHY – Archiarchy is the natural evolution of human culture that comes after Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course. Archiarchy is the creative collaboration between archetypally Initiated adult women and archetypally Initiated adult men. The core qualities of Archiarchal cultures are that they are centered on ongoing Adulthood Initiatory Processes for Radical Responsibility and run on Nonmaterial Values. Possibility Management is a context out of which Archiarchal gameworlds can emerge. (See: Possibility Management, Archetype)
ARCHIARCHY ARTABANA – Artabana is a global network of small self-governing health-support groups. We meet regularly as local health clubs with 5-20 members of all ages, creating trust, and sharing clarity, possibility, and love to maximize our physical, mental, emotional, energetic and archetypal health. We benevolently pool finances for medical emergencies.
ARCHIARCHY KIVA – 'Archiarchy Kiva' is a special Kiva lending Team contexted in Archiarchy. Kiva.org is a personal online savings account where you can change someone's life by giving them a no-interest loan of as little as $25. You can make as many such loans as you wish, helping out as many people as you want. When the loans are paid back, you can withdraw your funds. The value of the monetary loan itself is dwarfed by the Nonmaterial Value of connecting and providing value to people around the world you would never ordinarily connect with. (See: Archiarchy Economics, Become Money, Nonmaterial Value)
ARCHETYPAL BODY – One of your 5 Bodies. (See: 5 Bodies)
ARCHETYPAL DOMAINS – Human beings are designed to explore and experience Archetypal Domains, the domains of experience sung about in ballads and told about in myths and legends, which themselves are often maps to the Archetypal Domains. The gateway for entering the Archetypal Domains is the Decontaminated Adult Egostate. Archetypal Domains are where you can journey during 5 Body Intimacy Journeys. The Archetypal Domains exist on the other side of the well-defended status quo, which is like a cloud of crusty stuff - the Morphogenetic Field. In the Archetypal Domains you can find jewels that you can bring back down and share with the other edgeworkers who are building the new Gameworlds which make existing Gameworlds irrelevant. (See: Adult Egostate, Archetypes, Decontaminated Adult Egostate, Initiations, Morphogenetic Fields, Negotiating 5 Body Intimacy Journeys, Stellating)
ARCHETYPAL LINEAGE – Your Archetypal Lineage is the ways in which your Being is thrown to serve the village, in the same way that clay is thrown to shape it into that shape of a cooking pot, or serving platter, or water jug, or coffee mug which determines the ways in which it will serve its user. Life is improvisation. For an improviser, function follows form. One could say that your Being was born in a specific shape to serve the village through the talents, knowledge, tricks of the trade, insights, experiences, imagination, instincts, and intuitions that come from your Archetypal Lineage. Some people say that life is best when you are not there - meaning, life is best when you experience yourself being the space through which your Archetypal Lineage ecstatically does its service work in the world. Childhood education could be about preparing you for your adulthood Initiations. Your adulthood and Archetypal Initiations prepare you to jack-in to your Archetypal Lineage. Preparations are general, such as Centering, Presence, Attention, etc. developing the inherent faculties of your 5 Bodies. Preparations are also specific, relating to the talents, awarenesses, and features needed to deliver whichever of the 4 Lineages your Archetypal Lineage inhabits. (See: 4 Lineages, 5 Bodies, Initiation)
ARCHETYPAL LOVE – In contrast to spaces of Ordinary Love (adolescent love) where love is scarce and you spend your days and nights going around looking for evidence or experiences which can prove that somebody loves you - or testing if they love you enough - and, in contrast to spaces of Extraordinary Love (adult love), where you source love, where love happens because you are there generating love in the space, there are spaces of Archetypal Love, where the love is limitless and neutral. Archetypal Love is a force of nature, that is, not personal. It is a force of nature, the direct experience of Consciousness. (See: Navigating Space, Read: Radiant Joy Brilliant Love by Clinton Callahan)
ARCHETYPE – (DISAMBIGUATION) (NOTE: Archetypal terminology used in Possibility Management has emerged from decades of experimentation in the context of Possibility, and is NOT derived from or associated with the popular works of Carl Gustav Jung. Jung evolved his deep-psychology 'archetypes' in reference to the psychoanalytical context that he adopted from his teacher Sigmund Freud. Instead of relying on the works of Freud or Jung, we have done decades of our own empirical research that brought us directly into contact with the same spaces that Jung must have tapped into to formulate his particular languaging. However, instead of a psychological Context we researched from a Possibility Context. Because we went fishing with a different net, we caught different fish, even though we were fishing in the same sea.) In Possibility Management, Archetypes are energetic configurations hard-wired into the Being of every human. Archetypes are either Responsible or Irresponsible. Responsible Archetypes lie dormant until they are consciously initialized or Stellated. Before Stellating Responsible Archetypes a human being must first be capable of Adult Responsibility, which does not occur before about fifteen years of age. Modern culture does not provide authentic initiatory processes through which you can activate your Responsible Archetypes, so they remain switched off. If you want your Responsible Archetypes activated you are forced to go outside of modern culture and arrange it for yourself. This takes a lot of courage and entails certain real risks. Actions of people who have not gone through the process of Stellating their Responsible Archetypes are typically dominated by the Shadow Principles of their Irresponsible Archetypes and their Gremlin. Archetypes are fueled by the energy of conscious Feelings or unconscious Emotions. Anger fuels the Responsible Doer / Warrior / Warrioress or the Irresponsible Persecutor. Sadness fuels the Responsible Communicator / Lover or the Irresponsible Victim. Fear fuels the Responsible Creator / Magician / Sorceress or the Irresponsible Rescuer. And Gladness fuels the Responsible Man / Woman or the Irresponsible Gremlin. (See: Adult, Feelings, Gremlin, High Drama, Low Drama, Stellating)
ASSHOLE TRAINING - What would it take for you to be you? To stop being adaptive? To ask what you want to ask and say what you want to say? What would it take for you to say, "No!" and, "Stop!" and, "Yes!" and, "Go!" with equal measures of swiftness and certainty? What would it take for you to Hold Space and keep your Center? What would it take for you to know what you want, and go for it? Excerpted from an article by Mark Manson: Being an asshole is a valuable life skill. What I mean by 'being an asshole' is a willingness to be disliked and/or to upset other people. As we will see, sometimes hurting someone’s feelings (or just being willing to hurt someone’s feelings) is a necessity, both for ourselves and also for the greater good. I believe that if more of us were able and willing to 'flip the asshole switch,' the world would be a better place. For example, have you ever tried to break up with someone while not hurting their feelings? Yeah, it’s impossible. So most non-assholes just end up staying in bad relationships for way longer than they should.
AS IS PROCESS - In the As Is Process, the Possibilitator (e.g. Possibility Coach, Possibility Trainer, Possibility Psychologist, or Possibility Mediator) connects with the Client and makes a leap in time with them back to the moment that the shock originated. Then the Possibilitator uses Completion Loops for every step of the evolution of events for all 5 Bodies of the Client, dragging the Present from the past into the present of the Present moment, making them whole again, healing the wound.
ASKING – Asking is one of your three original powers of a human being. (The other two are Choosing and Declaring). You use the three powers already but without practice you use them to serve unconscious purposes such as the survival purposes of your Box, or the Hidden Purposes of your Gremlin. Used consciously the power of Asking allows you to ask Dangerous Questions which are questions the answers to which do not exist in the current Space. Finding answers to a Dangerous Question can take you into an entirely different Space. Since the qualities of the Space influence or even determine what is possible, Asking is a powerful tool for Navigating Space and for creating Possibility. Asking is also the power behind making extraordinary requests. Most requests that you make are logical, reasonable, understandable, and perhaps even wrapped inside of a convincingly needy Victim story. If your request is fulfilled then you create ordinary results. Your power of Asking can be used for making Unreasonable Requests. These are requests which, if fulfilled, cause transformation, healing, and entry into new territory for the person fulfilling the Request. A single-mom recently called me because she caught her 15-year-old son with two bottles of vodka, one half-empty, after he had already promised to stop the drinking. I asked her to immediately take her son out of School and go live with him on a small island in Fiji for a year without his mobile phone. That was an unreasonable request that could possibly give her son (and herself) a new and brighter future. She immediately booked the tickets and they departed. It transformed their lives for the better. Clearly you may need to use the practical street-smarts and nonlinear possibility resources of your Initiated Conscious Gremlin to assess the appropriateness of your Unreasonable Request to make sure it meets the potential capacities of the person you make the request of. Will you recognize and be ready to respond accordingly when someone makes an Unreasonable Request of you? (See: 3-Powers, Box, Dangerous Question, Gremlin, High Drama, Navigating Space, Possibility, School, Space)
ASSUMPTION – An Assumption is a Declaration that you make up and tell yourself to try to decrease the fear of Not Knowing. You can Assume anything about anything. You make Assumptions in order to fill in an unknown or to cover over a blank hole where you don't know. The motivating Feeling (or Emotion) behind making up Story is fear, because one of the most important values in Modern Culture is to know. If you don't know, your fear of Not Knowing drives you to make an Assumption to fill in the Gap in Knowing. The trouble comes when you forget that your Assumption is an Assumption. You are smart (even if you think that other people think you are not smart, secretly you know you are...) and so it is easy to Assume that your Assumption is smart and true and valid. Assuming that your Assumption is true changes your Assumption into an Expectation. Then things get more difficult for you. (See: 5 Gaps, Expectation, Intimacy, Resentment, Story)
AUTHORITY - Your Authority is an energetic substance inside of you. It is the spunk, gumption, chutzpah, volition, balls, audacity, fierceness, Pirate... inside of you that you can use to Authorize your power to Choose, to Declare, to Ask, to Hold Space, to Navigate Space, to Take A Stand, to Shift Identity, to Improvise, to go Nonlinear, to go Unreasonable, to Cause Transformation, to Serve your Pearl, your Bright Principles, and your Archetypal Lineage, and to build and inhabit new Archiarchal Gameworlds that make the existing ecocidal gameworlds irrelevant. (See: Change Your Mind)
ATTENTION (CONSCIOUS ATTENTION) – Conscious Attention means paying Attention to your Attention, being aware of what you are aware of, perceiving what you are perceiving with, etc. Conscious Attention helps build the Matrix upon which your consciousness can grow. Attention can also become conscious by paying Attention to your Purpose. Businesses spend billions of dollars every year trying to get your Attention. They do this for two reasons: 1) Because it works. 2) Because it is worth it. When they have your attention, they have your wallet. Paying Attention to your Attention initiates a process that makes you less susceptible to being used for other people’s Purposes and therefore more capable of creating High-drama and fulfilling your Destiny. (See: Center, Destiny, High Drama, Matrix, Purpose)
AUTHENTICITY – Authenticity is Integrity of Being and Being With. If you can Be Present with yourself at the same time you are present with another then your interaction can be Authentic. Authenticity requires Being Centered, being in Experiential Reality, connection to Gaia with your Grounding Cord, a Minimized NOW, your Sword of Clarity to hand, Contact, Radical Responsibility for the Space and for Navigating Space, Conscious Listening (5 Kinds of Listening), Conscious Speaking (7 Kinds of Speaking), Conscious Feelings (Stellated), having your Gremlin on a short leash at your side, having your Shadow Principles at the tip of your tongue, knowing where you are on the Thoughtmap of Possibility (Low Drama or High Drama?), and being in resonance with your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage. (See: All Of The Above...)
A'ZUUL – Saying "A'Zuul!" to the people at your table once you are gathered, but before eating or drinking, is a way of expressing A to Z... in other words, from alpha-to-omega, the full spectrum... of appreciation and gratitude for the companionship and Presence of each person and creature in the Space, for the nurturing and stimulating qualities of the food, drink, music, clothing, and material surroundings, and for the Gaian field of Consciousness of planet Earth out of which all this abundance emanates. To one person in an intimate setting you would say, "Zuul." To more than one person you say, "A'Zuul." A'Zuul is a bigger word than Bon Appetit!, however, the term is used by Archiarchal Sourceresses and Whyzards in similar circumstances. (See: Declaring, Gameworld Traditions)
BAG OF THINGS - Your Bag of Things is one of the 13 tools on your energetic toolbelt.
BALLS - This distinction applies to both Men and Women. It is about "taking your balls back from your mother" or "taking your Center back from your father". This is an initiation process that is done in Possibility Labs, with the space being held by someone that has gone through this process themselves. The process of getting out of your parent's bubble has many layers:
- It takes going through a number of Completing Incomplete Emotions from your childhood. How many have you done?
- It takes having practiced keeping your center in all circumstances. Where are you in this process?
- It takes to have started decontaminating your Adult Egostate from Child Egostate. Who is your buddy? How many behaviours have you taken out of your Adult Egostate?
- It takes that you can feel all 4 FEELINGS (not EMOTIONS) to a certain percentage consciously. Have you participated in Rage Club Series? Fear Club Series?
- It takes that you have shifted from Verbal Reality (it would be a great idea to do this process) to Experiential RealityBEEP! BOOK - Your Beep! Book is an essential ally in your Possibility Management initiation and healing journeys. Making notes informs the Universe that you are committed to your Path. When the Universe sees that you care enough to write stuff down, it starts giving you the good stuff. (See: Rapid Learning)
BEING – Your Being is your Energetic Body. In Possibility Management, we use a capital 'B' to differentiate the noun 'Being' (meaning your Energetic Body) from the intransitive verb conjugation 'being', related to 'is'. (See: 5-Bodies, Presence, Box and Being)
BEING ADAPTIVE – You are Being Adaptive when you behave as if you do not have your own personal culture. To Be Adaptive you must subdue your own culture and pretend to agree with and obey the culture of another. To become Adaptive you must give your Center away, and thus your Authority to Choose, Declare, and Ask away. This is VERY costly in terms of losing your abilities to Live and losing your Resources to Live. Children are forced to be Adaptive to their parents (and up until recently, also to public school systems) in order to Survive. Being Adaptive automatically places you in the Child Egostate, or